Amidst the electrifying atmosphere of the Paris Paralympics 2024, a young Indian athlete named Nitesh Kumar etched his name in the annals of history by clinching...
Indian para shuttler Nitesh Kumar has made history at the Paris Paralympics by securing his first-ever medal in the men’s singles SL3 category of para badminton....
Preethi Pal made history on Sunday, becoming the first Indian woman track and field athlete to win two medals at the Paralympics, while Nishad Kumar secured...
Avani Lekhara has etched her name in the history books at the 2024 Paralympics, winning two gold medals and being the first Indian women to do...
The study proposes a data-driven approach that policymakers can use to resolve the ongoing debate on skill and chance in online gaming New Delhi, 28th August...
The Paris Paralympics are set to commence on Wednesday, marking the beginning of a momentous event in a city still basking in the afterglow of a...
Cristiano Ronaldo, the legendary footballer, made an impressive entrance into the world of YouTube on Wednesday, August 21, with his new channel, ‘UR · Cristiano’. Within...