In the bustling tech hub of Bengaluru, where ambitious young professionals flock to make their mark, a remarkable story has unfolded that has captured the imagination...
In what could well spark a fresh wave of outrage, the Agarwal family, owners of the Porsche Taycan driven by a teen that killed two people,...
Tensions escalated in Badlapur, Thane district, as hundreds of enraged parents and locals disrupted train services at the Badlapur railway station around 8 AM on Tuesday....
In the bustling heart of India, where the roads stretch on for miles and the landscapes morph from towering mountains to sun-drenched plains, there’s a man...
We explain the controversy surrounding the digital media star When you’re at the top of the YouTube game, there’s nowhere to go but down – or...
Mumbai Railway Police has informed RTI Activist Anil Galgali that M/s Ego Media Private Limited, owned by Bhavesh Bhinde. Who is currently in police custody over the...
In an explosive upcoming tell-all book, New York Times journalist Anupreeta Das reveals troubling details about Bill Gates’ behaviour towards young female interns at Microsoft. The book, titled Billionaire,...