Ever since Netflix released a new series titled “Kaleidoscope”, it has been trending thanks to its exciting storytelling. With its unusual non-linear watching experience, the Netflix...
The pandemic affect, shift to a green economy, and consistent technology improvements have disrupted work and made digital-first technical skills critical for people preparing for the...
Most Preferred Workplace 2022-23 – Manufacturing Edition
It’s 2023 finally, and the time of the year when the tone for many of our life’s activities has been set. Monthly bills, basic requirements, and...
With this empanelment, Amantya will partner with BSNL to plan, design, install, commission, and/or maintain CNPN solutions for its enterprise 5G customers. Amantya Technologies, a global...
Most Preferred Workplace 2022-23 (IT & ITES)
In conversation with Minhye Seo, Head Human Resources, South Asia, BD proudly quotes, “Customers adapt digital applications in a very fast manner. So, its about how...
“Every member of the recruitment team is trained to do interviews and how to identify the candidate’s suitability for the role….” in conversation with Dr. Deepak...
In conversation with Dinesh Aggarwal, CEO, RR Kabel Ltd where he quotes, “According to me workplace is the one which keeps the employee engaged, keeps the...
“In the current business scenario diversity is the key. Women play an important role in the entire growth journey in India where the target is to...