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Will AI Kill Human Ingenuity?  



In today’s fast-paced world, we are witnessing the dominance of AI in various fields, from automotive manufacturing to content creation and much more, has sparked debates about the future of people at work. With AI-powered platforms like ChatGPT, Quillbot, and more reshaping content generation, the boundaries between human creativity and artificial brainstorming are blurring.  

WhatsApp too is jumping on the bandwagon, with news breaking of them testing an exciting new feature that could change the way we interact with technology. Imagine chatting with an AI assistant that feels like talking to a friend, it’s now becoming a reality. That’s what you’ll get with Meta AI chatbot, the brainchild of Meta. Our digital conversations will never be the same again.  

This innovative chatbot is powered by a custom model developed by Meta, along with the advanced capabilities of LLaMA-2, a cutting-edge generative text model. By harnessing the power of Meta’s Large Language Model (LLM) research, Meta AI aims to provide users with seamless and natural interactions. 

But that’s not all; Meta has teamed up with Microsoft’s Bing to integrate real-time information retrieval, ensuring that Meta AI can provide accurate and up-to-date responses to a wide range of queries. 

While Meta AI is currently only available in the U.S., it promises to be a valuable companion in various situations. For users in India, Meta has placed the chatbot within the top app bar for easy access.   

All you need to know about this new feature 

To engage with Meta AI, users can simply open WhatsApp and find the Meta AI icon in the bottom right corner. From there, they can access the Meta AI inbox and effortlessly ask questions or request image generation. 

In addition to Meta AI, they have announced the creation of 28 additional AI assistants and collaborations with prominent figures from sports, entertainment, and internet culture. Furthermore, Meta has introduced AI stickers for WhatsApp, Messenger, Instagram, and Facebook Stories. These stickers, generated from text prompts, aim to enhance visual communication and creativity within Meta’s platform, similar to Snapchat’s popular Bitmoji stickers. 

Future impact 

Advancements in artificial intelligence are continually molding the direction of humanity across diverse sectors. AI stands as the cornerstone of burgeoning technologies such as big data and robotics, while generative AI has broadened the horizons and appeal of AI even further after the advent of ChatGPT and similar generative AI platforms.  

While these innovations promise convenience and creativity, concerns linger regarding AI’s potential negative impacts. OpenAI recently showcased the capability of creating a voice clone by using just 15 seconds of audio. However, they said that they would not release it to the public because it might have negative consequences for society.  

Another such innovation is Sora, which is a limited beta video tool that can create world-class animation and video pieces basis your prompt. However, it is in limited beta right now amongst testers and users as it could be misused by humankind. Lastly, GPT-5 can generate human-like text and handle tasks involving complex reasoning and planning, which have generally been tasks that are typically human in nature. This makes it have potentially almost human–like reasoning. 

It is not surprising to see all the major players prioritise their Gen AI efforts. As per Statista, the market size in the Generative AI market is projected to reach US$36.06bn in 2024, with a staggering annual growth rate of 46.47% that will see the market size grow to potentially US$356.10bn by 2030.  

And while we are seeing Emotion AI and Gen AI rewrite the rules, this writer is of the opinion that warmth, ingenuity, creativity, and perhaps most importantly empathy are all distinctly human qualities that are not going away any time soon, AI-enabled world or not. 

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