In a curious twist of fate, a Belgian man found himself at the center of a legal saga that sheds light on the rare and perplexing...
In the city of Augsburg lies a tranquil oasis known as the Fuggerei neighborhood. Here, 142 residents live in small, mustard-plastered houses within a gated community,...
In a bid to alleviate the effects of soaring temperatures, Uttar Pradesh’s traffic police in Kanpur have partnered with Hyderabad-based startup Jarsh Safety to produce specialized...
As a Jain, I’ve been privileged to witness numerous individuals undertaking the sacred journey of Diksha, from children as young as nine to elders. Throughout this...
Recent revelations from police sources indicate that one of the individuals captured on CCTV footage firing shots outside Bollywood actor Salman Khan’s Mumbai residence is a...
Food delivery giant, Swiggy, has recently unveiled an innovative feature, Swiggy Pawlice. This unique service is designed to assist pet owners in finding their lost pets,...
In the heart of West Africa, Sierra Leone faces a chilling reality as a haunting menace grips the nation: a psychoactive drug crafted from human bones...
A hilarious incident took place in Noida, when a Uber customer named Deepak Tenguriya was left shocked after receiving a Rs.7.66 crore bill for a regular...
A 26-year-old former banker in Bengaluru gave working from home a whole new meaning in Bengaluru, as she quit her job to instead steal laptops in...
We’ve all been there. A little bit of irritation here, a touch of resentment there, and we end up acting in strange ways. But few are...