The Bombay High Court has ruled that the 17-year-old accused in the infamous Pune Porsche hit-and-run case must be released from detention immediately. This controversial decision...
The Pune Porsche case is one that has ignited ire across news outlets and social media channels, as two young IT professionals lost their lives after...
In a dramatic twist to the Pune Porsche car crash case, Congress leader Ravindra Dhangekar has unveiled a corruption scandal involving police officials. Dhangekar, a Member...
In a startling turn of events, the Pune Porsche crash case, which had already captivated the nation, took an even more sinister twist as two doctors...
In a startling development, two doctors from Pune’s Sassoon Hospital have been apprehended by Maharashtra police for their alleged involvement in tampering with the blood report...
In a scene similar to an action movie, police made a dramatic entry into a crowded hospital to apprehend a suspect, creating a spectacle that has...
When Payal, a 42-year-old woman from Punjab, India, received a thoughtful cash gift from her husband for their 16th wedding anniversary, little did she know it...
In the bustling world of online shopping, where convenience and efficiency reign supreme, a curious battle has been brewing in some quarters – the fight for...
In Varaganeri, Tiruchi, 36-year-old T. Vaitheeswaran exemplifies the power of hard work despite physical challenges. Affected by polio at age two, Vaitheeswaran, who now crawls to...
Have you ever imagined dogs getting their own ID proof? Living in this era means witnessing uncommon activities that no person in a million years ever...