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Danfoss: Empowering Employees for a Healthy and Balanced Work-Life Harmony



Ravichandran Purushothaman, President – Danfoss India, Danfoss Industries Pvt. Ltd.

By : Ravichandran Purushothaman, President – Danfoss India, Danfoss Industries Pvt. Ltd.

Research shows employee stress levels have spiked after pandemic. The economies and businesses are on a recovery path, but instability and insecurity still haunt a vast percentage of the workforce. The role of organizations goes beyond offering standard health packages to employees and the dependents to solve all the problems of stress and unhappiness.

The health and safety of its employees is of paramount importance to Danfoss. Apart from benefits focused on childcare (creche) and elder care (parental health benefits), we support employee health and wellness through initiatives like a counselling platform, emotional wellness workshops, yoga sessions etc. We offer flexibility around work hours and hybrid work environment even before the pandemic made it an accepted norm. There is a thought that flexible work schedules prevent employees from feeling overwhelmed. The employees are supported to pursue their passions, to own the projects, and create opportunities for them to connect on a personal level.  

Although there are lot of challenges, Danfoss as an organization caters to employee needs and give them the space they deserve. The power of choice and autonomy plays a significant role in this. It not only drives employee engagement, job satisfaction and overall wellbeing but also innovative behaviour, motivation, and high performance. At Danfoss, we believe that employees who have complete control over their work feel empowered to find their personal flow in their personal and the professional space as well.

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