Mumbai-based Reliance Jio Infocomm appears poised for a monumental initial public offering (IPO), following a series of strategic maneuvers that...
Zepto, a fast grocery delivery app started by two 19-year-old Stanford dropouts only seven months ago, has been valued at $570 million by prominent Indian startup...
After nearly two years of disruptions caused by the pandemic, the hotel sector is investing heavily in new technology in the hopes of providing a more...
Throughout history, we have seen speakers spark cultural movements, discoveries modify science, and inventions alter our daily lives. And if there’s one thing that’s revolutionised the...
Eye For AI Geetha Manjunath has no trouble starting anything new or taking an entirely different path. She opted to pursue a PhD in a completely...
Nikhil Kamath co-founded Zerodha, India’s largest stock brokerage firm by volume, with his older brother Nithin Kamath, and they later made Forbes’ list of India’s 100...
Investors who put money into listed equities and Initial Public Offering (IPOs) will remember 2021 fondly—they would have witnessed a 25% increase in the Nifty50 and...
According to some sources, Louis Vuitton is considering opening its first duty-free store in China on the emerging luxury island hotspot of Hainan, in a move...
We are living in the heyday of television. Netflix and other streaming services have changed not only how we watch (including redefining the term “binge”), but...