Welcome to the realm of “vymorozka,” a name that echoes the freezing struggle of workers tasked with shaping away at ice-clad vessels, their efforts crucial to...
Cotton Candy? The word itself takes you back to your childhood memories with this nostalgic snack. But for those who don’t know, it is a soft-spun...
One has often heard tales of the ‘Spirit of Mumbai’, and if we’re lucky, it is on display for all to see every now and again....
Luisa Yu had an amusing dream of travelling all over the world since she was a little girl living in the Philippines. Now, this little girl...
Introduction In an increasingly digital world, the threat of scams and frauds has reached new heights. One such emerging menace is deepfake technology, which has recently...
In the hustle and bustle of modern day life, it is all too easy to dismiss books as a symbol of a bygone era, to be...
The chocolate boy Kartik Aaryan of this meticulously vast Bollywood industry has done some popular romantic saga like Sonu Ki Titu ki Sweety, Luka Chupi, Satya...
In a fiery Senate hearing on ‘Big Tech and the online child sexual exploitations crises’, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg issued a heartfelt apology after coming face-to-face...