Akshay Kumar and Tiger Shroff, the dynamic duo of Bollywood, set Lucknow abuzz with their thrilling promotional tour for the upcoming action-packed film, “Bade Miyan Chote...
Gujarat’s Bhuj, a town known for its low-rise buildings, has undergone a significant transformation with the inauguration of the Bhuj Earthquake Memorial. This imposing structure, standing at...
In an unexpected turn of events, the word ‘dinosaur’ has taken on a whole new meaning, surpassing the usual image of them being ancient, fearsome creatures....
In an extraordinary twist to a refund request, a family took a rather unconventional approach to reclaim their money from Edtech giant Byju’s. Instead of following...
Police have uncovered a racket within a Spanish church, resulting in the arrest of a lead priest, Father Alfonso Raúl Masa Soto, and his boyfriend on...
Star Indian cricketer Virat Kohli and Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma have recently announced the birth of their second child, a baby boy named Akaay. The couple,...
When it comes to airports, most people associate them with long security lines, crowded terminals, and the stress of making tight connections. But what if we...
In a stunning revelation, a Bronze Age treasure discovered 60 years ago in Spain, known as the Treasure of Villena, has been found to contain metal...
Tipping is a big part of American dining culture, for better or worse, but this latest story takes the cake, and the café with it. A...
The Vishwa Hindu Parishad has filed a bizarre plea against the West Bengal Forest Department in Calcutta High Court. The petition has been filed on the...