Come to think of it, it was slightly inevitable. When a company grows to be a behemoth in the entertainment space, it will want more of...
The Internet giant Google has released a new software called WifiNanScan. Interestingly, it allows you to connect items without the use of the internet or Bluetooth....
As the global response to Covid-19 takes root, a move away from “remote everything” towards hybrid, or blended, workspaces seems to be taking root. The future...
Amazon is attempting to offer high-speed satellite internet to India. Amazon will be up against One-Web, which is financed by Bharti, and Elon Musk’s SpaceX. Amazon...
Imagine driving around in a Tesla with autopilot activated. It’s both eerie and awe inspiring to see the car get out of a parking spot, motor...
Technology is constantly improving, and today, we’ve compiled a list of 5 innovations that will change the game in their respective fields. Glove light Face masks...
The One World: Together at Home concert raised $127 million for coronavirus relief efforts. Over the weekend, young people engaged with the show and sent microdonations....
The eSports (electronic sports) market is rapidly expanding, creating new job opportunities in the digital sports business. The gaming industry has evolved significantly in recent years,...
What is an Amphibious car? The Amphibious car or Amphicar was a convertible that could operate on roads and in water. Although commercial production of the...
In a filing before the Delhi High Court pertaining to the new Information Technology Rules 2021, which went into force late last month, Google claims that...