As digital workplaces become entirely commonplace during these tumultuous times and quite possibly even beyond it, here are a few elements to keep in mind when...
With his gesture of setting aside two bottles of carbonated drinks in favour of water, Cristiano Ronaldo cost Coca-Cola $4 billion. The Portuguese star footballer sat...
In 2012, Mastercard and World Food Program (WFP) entered into a strategic partnership, with the ambitious mission of helping communities around the world take important steps...
Many names for one man. He is often referred to as India’s own Warren Buffet. He is a trader and also a Chartered Accountant. According to...
Cryptocurrencies are all the rage right now, with everyone looking to get on board this bandwagon, dip or no dip. Here are a few cryptocurrencies you...
The social media landscape, like other kinds of marketing, is rapidly changing and has gained widespread acceptance. Facebook is used by 68% of Americans, and YouTube...
Never before has the world of caffeinated drinks been so divisive. Starbucks is almost entirely in a league of its own as the only “Instagrammable” go-to...
The Marvel Cinematic Universe is one of the most successful film franchises in history. Years ago, Sony could have purchased the entire Marvel character cast. According...
As the global response to Covid-19 takes root, a move away from “remote everything” towards hybrid, or blended, workspaces seems to be taking root. The future...
Anonymous is a decentralized international activist/hacktivist collective/movement widely known for its various cyber-attacks against several governments, government institutions and government agencies, corporations, and the Church of...