After years of soaring high and captivating the hearts of passengers, Vistara is set to embark on a new journey, merging with Air India. The long-awaited...
At the eagerly awaited the annual Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) Annual General Meeting (AGM), all eyes were on Mukesh Ambani, as he unveiled the conglomerate’s latest...
Artificial Intelligence might be all the rage right now, but it can be said with a great degree of safety that it was OpenAI that catapulted...
It’s that time of the year again, if you’re a tech enthusiast. Apple’s highly anticipated “Glowtime” event is just around the corner, and the tech world...
As the monsoon season sweeps across India, the western state of Gujarat has found itself in the eye of the storm. In a matter of days,...
The media and entertainment industry in India is about to witness a seismic shift as the Competition Commission of India (CCI) has given its stamp of...
In the world of luxury automobiles, few names command as much respect as Rolls-Royce. The hallowed British brand is often seen as the ultimate symbol of...
The world today seems as if in always-on mode, with the lines between work and personal life becoming increasingly blurred. But at times, the constant barrage...
Thailand’s political landscape has long been dominated by the influential Shinawatra clan, and the recent appointment of Paetongtarn Shinawatra as the country’s new Prime Minister has...
In the realm of high-end watchmaking and automotive excellence, the convergence of two titans can only result in something truly extraordinary. That’s precisely what transpired when...