A remarkable scene unfolded recently on the lawns of Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur, where the worlds of technology and nature collided in an unexpected...
Zomato, the popular food delivery platform, made headlines with the launch of a “pure veg” delivery service. This specialized fleet was designed to cater exclusively to...
Travel enthusiasts have reason to rejoice as IndiGo, a leading private carrier, has announced a new direct flight between Bengaluru, Karnataka’s bustling capital, and Agatti, a...
Amazon Prime Video has given the green light to ‘Beast Games,’ an upcoming reality competition led by YouTube personality MrBeast also known as Jimmy Donaldson. ...
In the vibrant streets of Bengaluru, India’s tech capital, a new phenomenon has taken hold that captivated the masses and blurred the lines between real and...
Nestled away in the heart of Andhra Pradesh lies a gem waiting to be discovered: Gandikota, fondly known as the “Grand Canyon of India”. Rugged red...
The Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority (MMRDA) is gearing up for a significant stride in transportation with its Pod Taxi project, which is slated to kick...
India’s rich history is woven with threads of lavishness and grandeur, a legacy that resonates through the ages. Among the many chapters that adorn this historical narrative,...
Starting with a humble investment of Rs. 20,000, Mrs. Rajni Bector, the visionary behind Mrs. Bector’s Food Specialities Limited has emerged as a leading force in the FMCG...
India boasts a rich tapestry of culinary heritage, with some eateries serving as living testaments to the country’s gastronomic legacy. Join us on a flavorful expedition...