The hatchback known as the Tata Nano was created and released by Indian carmaker Tata Motors. Their major market for launch was India, where a modest...
Rashmika Mandanna, the Indian actor, joins Plum, India’s top cruelty-free, vegan, and toxic-free cosmetics and personal care business, as an investor, brand ambassador, and supporter. This...
Bengaluru: Days after Shiprocket acquired Pickrr with the intention of bolstering its direct commerce business, one of the biggest third-party logistics companies, Xpressbees, will now open...
According to sources familiar with the matter, Air India Ltd. is considering placing one of the largest orders in commercial aviation history for up to 300...
Preeti Bajaj has been named the new chief executive officer and managing director of Luminous Power Technologies, an innovator in India’s Energy Solutions industry. She begins...
It was January 2021 when Sebamed ran an advertising campaign claiming that brands of Hindustan Unilever- Lux, Pears & Dove were not good for sensitive skin...
With yoga moving past being a lifestyle choice and with everyone taking wellness seriously, the discerning entrepreneurs find plenty of business opportunities in the sector. India’s...
Ather Energy, the electronic 2-wheeler maker, raised $128 million of funding in its Series E round from National Investment and Infrastructure Fund Ltd.’s Strategic Opportunities Fund...
Who would’ve thought that one man’s vision of a textile mill in central India, in the 1870s, would inspire the steel and power industries in the...
The Supply Chain and Logistics Conclave brought together diverse industry leaders and experts to outline modern growth imperatives that must be embraced. If the last few...