Renowned Bollywood icon, Amitabh Bachchan, finds himself entangled in an advertising controversy. The recent advertisement in question, featuring the megastar for Flipkart’s ‘The Big Billion Days’,...
By Jeannie Walters Most business leaders know they need to understand their customers. But with so many ways to listen, what’s the best way to uncover...
We all understand the importance of customer experience, and many are embarking on that journey. However, there are two or three key factors that need to...
As marketeer and CX experts you have to be completely open in terms of where you can get the feedback from. You have to be receptive...
I always recommend that organizations should create what we call digital doorsteps.
We enjoy the record of having one of the lowest grievance ratios amongst the large players.
Indri Whiskey from India has been awarded as the world’s best at the 2023 Whiskies of the World Awards. The Indri Diwali Collector’s Edition 2023 won...
Dettol and NDTV‘s ‘Banega Swasth India’ has marked 10th Season with Ayushmann Khurrana as ambassador. Recognized as India’s longest-running public health campaign by the network, it focuses...
Customer centricity is becoming the epicentre of each business cycle today. Business leaders are realizing the value in it and it’s becoming a top-driven activity in...
Lowest prices ever on the bestsellers: Fashion & Accessories – Up to 85% Off Biggest price slashes on Home & Kitchen, Tech & Others – Min...