Well-being is something that has come to be greatly prioritised in recent years, both from a physical and mental perspective....
Mr. Billore Ahmedabad, a.k.a. MBA Chai wala, became a celebrity when he distributed a free cup of tea to everyone who was single and visited his...
‘Health is wealth’ is a simple proverb that we all have read as a child or at least heard at some point in our life. But...
A resilient organization is built on strong foundations, and can’t be shaken or brought down easily from any eternal or internal forces because of the cultural...
A work environment can bring a lot of stress even when you love your job. You may encounter pressure to meet a deadline or fulfil a...
Anonymous is a decentralized international activist/hacktivist collective/movement widely known for its various cyber-attacks against several governments, government institutions and government agencies, corporations, and the Church of...
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Cardano is always among the top 5 cryptocurrencies of all time. Recovering from the crash, its value grew by 8.36% in the past 7-days. The investor’s...
One of the original blockchain startups, Ripple is not decentralized. XRP’s value grew by 0.79% in the past week, reaching some stability. Its market capitalization of...