Lights, camera, action! The Oscars, the biggest night in film, never fails to captivate audiences around the world. Last year’s Academy Awards showcased outstanding talent and...
The Oscars, the pinnacle of Hollywood’s award season, unfolded this year with plenty of surprises, unanticipated twists, and memorable moments. The 94th Academy Awards, hosted by...
Six couples have taken a bold step, challenging the long-standing Japanese law mandating married couples to share the same surname. This move, seen as an attempt...
New Delhi, 08 March, 2024: Vedanta’s BALCO Medical Centre (BMC), an emerging leader in India’s oncology space, has achieved a historic milestone by becoming the first Indian...
Maha Shivaratri holds immense significance in Hindu culture, dedicated to honouring Lord Shiva. Devotees observe day-long fasts, stay awake all night, and perform pujas during Nishita...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi presented the inaugural National Creators Awards at the Bharat Mandapam in New Delhi. The awards, spanning 20 categories, aimed to acknowledge excellence...
The ancient wisdom of India’s wellness traditions is being rediscovered by a new generation seeking balance and preventive self-care. As incomes rise, an exciting market is...
The vibrant world of Indian cinema, where the spotlight isn’t just on stars but on stories that champion the spirit of women. In this cinematic journey,...
In a world still grappling with the remnants of gender inequity, one woman’s perspective shines like a beacon of hope. Her voice, carrying the wisdom of...
The fourth edition of the report gives a detailed analysis of financial consumption by women at retail stores in 2023-24 . 45% of women report availing...