Becoming an entrepreneur is often romanticised as a carefully crafted plan, a meticulously executed strategy, and a relentless pursuit of a grand vision. However, the reality...
Swiggy Instamart, the rapid delivery division of Swiggy, which is preparing for an initial public offering (IPO), has announced the appointment of Sairam Krishnamurthy as its...
In a dramatic turn of events, Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina resigned and fled the country on Monday, ending her 15-year tenure in power. The announcement...
Indian stock markets faced a significant crash on Monday morning, driven by widespread sell-offs across Asian markets. The Nifty 50 index plummeted to near the 24,000...
In an explosive upcoming tell-all book, New York Times journalist Anupreeta Das reveals troubling details about Bill Gates’ behaviour towards young female interns at Microsoft. The book, titled Billionaire,...
Novak Djokovic has added another remarkable achievement to his illustrious career by winning the gold medal in men’s tennis singles at the Paris Olympics 2024. On...
In today’s fiercely competitive job market, companies are pulling out all the stops to attract top talent. From offering lavish perks to fostering inclusive work cultures,...
The Indian men’s hockey team has been making waves on the global stage, and their recent performance at the Paris Olympics has left the world in...
The world of competitive sports is often shrouded in controversy, with athletes navigating complex social and ethical landscapes that extend far beyond the confines of the...
When we think of idyllic beach holidays, our minds often drift to scenes of pristine white sands, azure waters, and luxurious seafood. Yet, the world is...