Campus, one of India’s leading sports and athleisure brands, unveiled its first-ever mixed reality print advertisement, marking a significant leap in innovative marketing technology. As part of...
In a remarkable week for India’s startup ecosystem, nearly 40 startups raised over $787 million in funding. The funding landscape was marked by 16 growth-stage deals and 23 early-stage rounds,...
Uber, India’s leading ridehailing app today released the latest edition of its ‘Intercity Ride’ index, the annual data compilation of its popular Intercity mobility product, which...
Sterlite Power, a market leader in the power transmission conductors and cables space, has successfully raised INR 725 crore in a primary fundraise round from GEF...
39 New Ministers Sworn In: 19 BJP, 11 Shinde Sena, 9 Ajit Pawar NCP In a major cabinet expansion, Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis, along with his deputy...
Let me take you back to the late ’90s. Yahoo wasn’t just big; it was the internet for millions of people. What started as a college...
The Union Cabinet, led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has approved the long-awaited ‘One Nation, One Election’ Bills. These bills, which aim to hold simultaneous elections for...
India’s online advertising market, driven by increased internet access, smartphone usage, and shifting consumer behaviour, has become vital for MSMEs and startups (collectively Small and Medium...
The new research highlights the need for asynchronous work and practices that keep work moving As the year winds down, a familiar sense of urgency sets...
The lights of Sandhya Theatre blazed bright that December evening, anticipation electric in the air. Revathi, a 35-year-old mother, had been looking forward to this moment—a...