Nestled on the fringes of Bhuj in Gujarat, the village of Madhapur is a striking example of rural prosperity. Known as “Asia’s richest village,” Madhapur boasts...
Primary Schools to go Online In response to the worsening air quality in Delhi, the Centre’s air quality panel has invoked Stage 3 of the Graded Response Action...
The Uttar Pradesh government has expressed support for the Supreme Court’s verdict on “bulldozer justice,” calling it a crucial step in curbing organized crime and instilling fear of the law...
Lubrizol, a global leader in specialty chemicals, and Polyhose, global leader in fluid conveyance system, today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to empower the Indian...
Drawing from Zomato’s IPO experience, Goyal highlights how newfound financial security can impact employee motivation and company culture. Zomato CEO Deepinder Goyal shared insights from his company’s IPO journey,...
Armenian businessman and political figure Gagik Tsarukian announced plans in early 2022 to erect a colossal statue of Jesus Christ on Mount Hatis, describing it as...
Children’s Day, celebrated each year on November 14, not only spotlights children’s rights and welfare but also commemorates the birthday of India’s first Prime Minister, Pandit Jawaharlal...
As technology evolves, so do our expectations for how we interact with our homes. Apple, a titan in the tech industry, is rumoured to be stepping...
British pop-rock band Coldplay has added an extra India show to their tour, scheduled for January 25, 2025, at Gujarat’s Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad. This...
In a unique fusion of fitness and social connections, PUMA India and Bumble, the popular women first dating app, recently teamed up to host a one...