In certain corners of the planet, small indigenous groups remain untouched by modern civilization, preserving traditions and lifestyles that have...
Nvidia has etched its name in the annals of corporate history by becoming the second-most valuable company in the United...
Jinay Gada, a Mumbai-based 17-year-old, created non-woven fabric grow bags and in the process gave recycled plastic bottles a fresh lease of life. He founded ‘Planteria’...
Rajat Jaiswal works as a senior commander for a commercial airline. In February 2016, he founded Wat-a-Burger with Farman Beig, a boyhood friend. With 60 locations,...
FacioMetrics, an emotion and facial recognition business, has been purchased by Facebook, and its facial recognition technology could be used for photo or video effects. This...
In the global financial scene, about 80% of Indians have banking links, which is considered healthy. However, with nearly 48% of these accounts inactive, India’s banking...
Corporations have a big say in how today’s youth will grow up. Young professionals need not only adequate capabilities but also the proper mix of skills...
More than $25 billion. That’s the combined ad spend of Volkswagen, BMW, Toyota, Ford, and GM each year. Now, compare that to Tesla’s ad spend, which...
We’ve all been there, losing money on account of something or the other. Maybe you lost your wallet. Maybe you chose to whip out a few...
As the COVID-19 outbreak wreaks havoc around the globe, stories of frontline soldiers who have gone above and beyond to bring hope to those in need...