Business Icons of India 2022 puts industry leaders’ accomplishments in the spotlight
The changes wrought by the pandemic might have been born out of necessity, but it has arguably birthed innovations and corporate responses that have shown great promise not just as a response to this crisis, but even beyond it. These are strange times we live in, but it truly is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to recalibrate businesses and reimagine the very nature and essence of leadership.
Image Source: Team Marksmen
A few selected leaders across industries have seized the gilt-edged opportunities presented by the circumstances facing us, proving their mettle and emerging as rock stars in their respective domains. For epitomising excellence, the accomplishments of these new-age leaders were celebrated and lauded as Business Icons of India 2022 in a gala event that revisited the manner in which they have defied conventions and rewritten the rule book.
If businesses operate off a compass, always seeking to find their true north, then business leaders give it true direction, in addition to shaping the extent and degree of change needed. The leaders recognised for driving this change, and epitomising it, included:
Speaking at the event, Rajesh Khubchandani, Co-Founder and CEO, Team Marksmen said, “The Business Icons of India 2022 are at the vanguard of their respective industries, and have ably steered their organisations through uncertain times, emerging stronger for the experience. We salute their indomitable spirit.”
This platform has been powered by research conducted in partnership with Allegiant Market Research, after appraising leaders on the below parameters
Organizational performance
Crisis management
Multi-stakeholder capitalism
Accelerating problem-solving
Innovative thinking
CEO peer network perspectives
Employee engagement
Business Icons of India 2022 offered business leaders a one-of-a-kind platform that gave the trailblazing efforts of these leaders the stage it deserves.
About Team Marksmen
Team Marksmen’s mission is to help organizations and leaders from across sectors create impactful change that matters.
Our work stems from a holistic understanding of every client’s personalized context, unique requirements, sector dynamics, and macroeconomic environment. This allows us to create brand solutions that resonate with audiences, and thereby help advance the practice of management.
Through an array of bespoke industry-centric knowledge platforms – using a variety of formats such as Roundtables, Summits & Conferences, Workshops, and Award Ceremonies – we help senior industry decision-makers navigate through issues of critical importance and inform their world-view for better decision-making.