UFill, a digital initiative of BPCL, delivers an innovative and customer friendly solution that enhances the user experience exponentially
As companies of all stripes pursue a holistic redesign of the Customer Experience (CX), it is increasingly becoming the norm to see operating models being rejigged as part of this transformation. But doing so comes with challenges of its own; such large-scale CX pivots require cross-functional thinking and collaboration, bringing together diverse considerations under a clear, unified set of processes, principles, and design. Doing it well is a game changer, which is why more than 70% of senior executives surveyed by McKinsey rank CX as a top priority for the coming years.
Clearly then, undertaking such wholesale transformation calls for integrating customer experience into the organization and operating model. Only by embedding the customer journey at the core of it all can the full value potential of a superior customer experience be unlocked.
UFill: A Digital Game Changer
UFill: A Game Changer
Customer experience has undergone a sea change across industries as it seeks to align itself with newly-emerging paradigms. Like others, the highly-competitive fuel retail industry has also had to reinvent itself to make for a seamless customer experience high on convenience and personalization.
Leading from the front is BPCL, who decades ago conceived the ‘Pure for Sure’ initiative, altering the fuel retailing landscape forever. Now, in the backdrop of shifting technological paradigms, the petroleum major is devising unique ways to leverage technology in delivering the Pure for Sure promise to its customers. One such example of taking digitally-powered initiatives to customers is the recently-launched UFill initiative by BPCL.
What is unique about UFill is that it not only eliminates human intervention from refueling, but also introduces the convenience of paying from anywhere, anytime, putting control of the experience in the hands of the consumer.
Decoding UFill
Continuously disrupted by innovations and trends that impact the way fueling activity happens, BPCL embarked upon a discovery programme to gain an in-depth understanding of customer experience. What emerged was that customers perceived that the fueling time from entry to exit is much more than what it actually is, while what they really wanted was to make their fuelling journey swift, seamless, and efficient.
Thus was born UFill, a game-changing customer solution, conceptualized using Design Thinking methodology and built on a human-centered approach. A digitally-driven customer experience, UFill delivers on BPCL’s promise of ensuring that their customers have complete control over Time, Technology, and Transparency as part of their fuelling experience.
Drive in, Fuel up, Zoom off
With UFill leveraging the latest in digital technology, queues at fuel stations are soon to be a thing of the past. What’s more, UFill also obviates the need for looking at zero or final reading and such offline manual interventions, which tend to create creeping doubts around the integrity of the fuelling transaction.
Importantly, UFill will empower the customer to take the fuelling payment activity away from the forecourt, enabling him/her to experience zero wait time after fuelling in keeping with the tagline ‘Ab Control Ko Feel Kar’.