Dream11 has recently appointed Priyanka Kodikal as their Chief Design Officer (CDO). Priyanka joins Dream11 after an impressive tenure at WhatsApp, where she spearheaded design efforts for the consumer app, overseeing various initiatives ranging from core experiences in calling and messaging to the successful launch of high-quality products.
With her vast experience, Priyanka is set to bring her expertise back to India after more than two decades of an illustrious career in the United States, where she worked with renowned global brands.
The thriving landscape of new-age companies in India, driven by rapid digitalization and supported by favorable government policies like Make in India and Digital India, has contributed to the country becoming an attractive hub for job opportunities. This, combined with the strong growth momentum, underscores the immense potential and appeal of India’s technology and other sectors. With Priyanka’s appointment, Dream11 is poised to further enhance its design capabilities and solidify its position in the industry.
Commenting on the appointment, Harsh Jain, CEO & Co-Founder, Dream11 & Dream Sports said, “We are delighted to have Priyanka join us as our Chief Design officer. Her appointment aligns with our commitment to hire the best global talent and develop Mumbai as a tech hub. Priyanka will be responsible for growing our design team and will play an integral role in helping all our portfolio companies with their design philosophy and execution.”
The newly appointed Chief Design Officer added, “I’m extremely passionate about building products that are intuitive and delightful to use. I’m excited to explore the world of sports tech and look forward to working with a great team to elevate the experience for our users.”