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EMPOWERING WOMEN, SHAPING THE FUTURE: Building Inclusive Cultures for Sustainable Success, by Lorein Nithila, Head of HRD for India, Consero Global.



By Lorein Nithila, Head of HRD for India, Consero Global.

In today’s business environment, the conversation around gender equality and inclusion has evolved beyond a mere checkbox for organizations—it has become a critical driver of innovation, success, and sustainability. Having joined Consero Global when we were just a small team of about 75 folks, I have been part of the incredible journey that has seen our company grow to over 1,800 employees in India and 2,000 globally. We’ve created a workplace that celebrates diversity and supports the advancement of women at every level, which has been instrumental in shaping our identity as a thriving, inclusive company.

At Consero, we believe that diversity is not just a policy but a way of life. Our recognition as one of the Most Preferred Workplaces for Women 2024-2025 is a testament to the culture we have built—one where women are empowered to take charge of their careers, where opportunities are equal, and where the potential for growth is limitless.

A Vision of Equality from the Start & Creating Equal Opportunities

We began as a small team with big dreams. One of those dreams was to build a company that grew not just in numbers but in values. As we grew, we’ve made sure that women have the same opportunities as men to grow, lead, and succeed. Today, over 40% of Consero’s workforce is made up of talented, driven women. From entry-level to leadership, women have played—and continue to play—a vital role in our growth. This didn’t happen by chance—it’s the result of conscious decisions and policies that ensure everyone, regardless of gender, has the chance to shine. And the results speak for themselves!

For many women, the challenge of balancing professional ambitions with personal responsibilities remains a significant barrier to career growth. Our flexible work location policy helps our employees manage both. It’s about giving the space to manage both worlds without feeling the pressure to choose one over the other. This approach has not only increased retention but also enhanced engagement and productivity across the board allowing our team to bring their best selves to work.

One of the most rewarding aspects of my journey at Consero has been watching women grow into leadership roles. We’ve put leadership development at the core of our strategy, creating opportunities for women to enhance their skills, grow their confidence, and take on leadership positions. Today, Consero’s Chief Revenue Officer, Natalie Townsend; Kristen Bridgeman, VP of Product; Jeanine Nosker, VP of Knowledge Management; and Erica Sanchez, Senior Director, Human Resources for North America, are just a few of the remarkable women I have the privilege of working with alongside many other talented women who have taken positions as Senior Managers and Controllers and Directors. By fostering a culture where learning, growth, and development are prioritized, we are ensuring that women not only have a seat at the table but are shaping the conversation.

Looking Ahead: Building a Sustainable Future

When women are empowered to lead, innovate, and create, it’s not just the company that benefits—it’s the clients, the industry, and society at large. As we look to the future, we know that building an inclusive workplace isn’t just about doing the right thing—it’s about building a foundation for lasting and sustainable success.

At Consero Global, we’ve built a culture where diversity isn’t just celebrated—it’s ingrained in everything we do. Our growth from a small team to a global leader has been driven by the strength, resilience, and creativity of our diverse workforce, with women playing a pivotal role. We’ll continue to champion gender equality, knowing that an inclusive workplace is the foundation of sustainable success. Together, we’re creating a future where women not only succeed but thrive, paving the way for the next generation of leaders.