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Nihon Hidankyo, Japanese Atomic Bomb Survivor Organization, Awarded 2024 Nobel Peace Prize for Advocacy Against Nuclear Weapons



Nihon Hidankyo, Japanese Atomic Bomb Survivor Organization, Awarded 2024 Nobel Peace Prize for Advocacy Against Nuclear Weapons

The Norwegian Nobel Committee has awarded the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize to Nihon Hidankyo, a Japanese organization representing survivors of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombings, in recognition of their tireless efforts to eliminate nuclear weapons and their role as living witnesses to the horrors of nuclear warfare.

Founded in 1956, Nihon Hidankyo is the largest organization of atomic bomb survivors in Japan. For decades, it has worked to highlight the devastating humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons by amplifying the voices of Hibakusha, survivors of the 1945 bombings. These survivors have shared personal testimonies of the unprecedented destruction, helping shape a global “nuclear taboo” – a moral stance that has stigmatized the use of nuclear arms.

In its announcement, the Nobel Committee commended the group’s relentless dedication to keeping the world’s focus on nuclear disarmament, despite the persistent threat posed by modernized nuclear arsenals. The Hibakusha, the committee noted, have the unique ability to “describe the indescribable” and bring to life the unimaginable pain and suffering caused by these weapons.

The Nobel Committee’s decision arrives at a crucial moment, as the world approaches the 80th anniversary of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings. These bombings resulted in an estimated 120,000 immediate deaths, with countless others dying in subsequent years due to radiation exposure.

The Hibakusha’s witness accounts, public appeals, and advocacy at the United Nations have been instrumental in pushing for global disarmament. The Nobel Committee emphasized that Nihon Hidankyo’s enduring message of peace and the survivors’ courageous decision to turn their personal trauma into a powerful force for change deserves global recognition.

By awarding the 2024 Peace Prize to Nihon Hidankyo, the Committee honours the Hibakusha’s indomitable spirit and their lifelong pursuit of a nuclear-free world, serving as a potent reminder of the catastrophic consequences of nuclear warfare.