Oscar winner Cillian Murphy will reprise his iconic role as Birmingham gangster Tommy Shelby in an upcoming “Peaky Blinders” movie, Netflix has confirmed. This new film, made in association with BBC, is set to be directed by Tom Harper and written by series creator Steven Knight. Murphy, who recently won his first best actor Oscar for “Oppenheimer”, dedicated the movie to fans of the beloved series.
“Peaky Blinders,” which revolves around the notorious Peaky Blinders crime gang in the aftermath of the First World War, concluded its six-season run in April 2022. Despite the series’ ending, Knight had expressed a desire to continue the story “in another form.” Harper, who directed episodes of the show’s first season in 2013, shared his excitement about the movie, promising an explosive chapter in the Peaky Blinders saga, with “no holds barred.”
Set between 1919 and 1934 in Birmingham, the series followed the rise of the Shelby family amidst a backdrop of radical social, economic, and political change. The unique chemistry of the cast, coupled with powerful writing, made “Peaky Blinders” a multi-award-winning hit. As Harper remarked, the alchemy of the cast and the writing always felt explosive, emphasizing that Peaky has always been a story about family.
The film, which goes into production later this year, aims to be an epic continuation of the Shelby family’s journey, bringing a new chapter to the cherished gangster saga for its dedicated admirers.