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Green Terraces: Transforming urban spaces for a sustainable tomorrow



Green Terraces: Transforming urban spaces for a sustainable tomorrow

With rapid urban growth and the escalating impacts of climate change, sustainable urban development has never been more critical. Innovative urban planning strategies, like green terraces, are emerging as promising solutions to these pressing challenges. In an insightful discussion with Marksmen Daily correspondent Neeraj Tiwari, Kuldeep Singh Sherawat, President of Design and Architecture at Tribeca Developers, shares his vision on the future and sustainability of urban expansion.

Given the rapid pace of urban expansion and the escalating impacts of climate change, how urgent is the need for sustainable urban development?

The urgency is unprecedented. Cities worldwide are dealing with rising temperatures, deteriorating air quality, reduced green spaces, and increased energy demands. Innovative urban planning strategies are crucial, and green terraces are a particularly promising solution.

Can you explain the concept of green terraces and how they revolutionise urban landscapes?

Green terraces aim to transform traditional urban landscapes into thriving, sustainable environments. By integrating vegetation and green spaces onto building roofs or terraces, we utilise unused spaces and harness nature’s power. This approach offers diverse solutions to the complex challenges modern cities face, resulting in a holistic product benefiting both residents and the planet.

What are the environmental benefits of green terraces?

Green terraces provide numerous environmental benefits. They act as natural insulators, reducing the urban heat island effect and lowering energy consumption for heating and cooling buildings. Additionally, they serve as carbon sinks, mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and enhancing climate resilience. By absorbing air pollutants and releasing oxygen, green terraces significantly improve air quality, which is crucial in dense urban areas.

Moreover, green terraces help regulate stormwater runoff, reducing the burden on urban drainage systems. They contribute to groundwater recharge and promote sustainable water management practices. Incorporating green terraces in luxury developments reflects a commitment to addressing climate change and urbanisation challenges.

Beyond environmental impact, what social and economic benefits do green terraces offer?

Green terraces provide opportunities for recreation, relaxation, and community interaction. Exposure to nature improves mental health, reduces stress, and enhances overall quality of life. Economically, they can increase property values and attract investment to neighbourhoods. The aesthetic appeal of green roofs and terraces makes cities more attractive places to live, work, and visit, contributing to their economic vitality and competitiveness.

What challenges do you see in the widespread adoption of green terraces?

Implementation costs, technical barriers, and regulatory hurdles can hinder the full realisation of green infrastructure in urban environments. However, these challenges also bring opportunities for innovation and collaboration. By engaging architects, urban planners, policymakers, and community stakeholders, cities can develop holistic strategies to incorporate green infrastructure into urban development projects.

How do you see the future of urban development with green terraces?

By embracing sustainable design principles and harnessing nature’s power, urban developments can create vibrant, resilient communities that thrive for generations. Green terraces symbolise hope and possibility, showing that through creativity, collaboration, and commitment, we can build cities in harmony with nature.

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