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A Paw-sitive Step Forward, as Delhi Dogs get their own QR ID “Aadhar”  



A Paw-sitive Step Forward, as Delhi Dogs get their own QR ID “Aadhar”

Have you ever imagined dogs getting their own ID proof? Living in this era means witnessing uncommon activities that no person in a million years ever imagined.  

On April 27, 2024, Delhi witnessed an innovative and bizarre initiative as 100 dogs received their very own QR-based ‘Aadhaar cards’ at strategic locations including Delhi T1 Airport, India Gate, and the renowned NGO, which is led by Priya Chopra, the head of In Delhi, this endeavor aimed to bolster the safety and well-being of our beloved canine companions. The day kicked off with the early morning tagging of dogs in and around Manavi Rai’s shelter who is an animal rights advocate has taken crucial step in preventing them from getting lost.  

Expressing her excitement, animal rights advocate Manavi Rai highlighted the importance of these QR tags, stating, “Today, I’m overjoyed that these QR tags will serve as a lifeline for our furry friends, particularly in times of need.”, a pioneering NGO, is dedicated to enhancing the welfare and protection of stray animals across India. Through innovative initiatives and community-driven efforts, it seeks to create a safer and more compassionate environment for our furry companions.  

Akshay Ridlan, the founder of, reiterated the organization’s commitment to expanding its impact, stating, “We have already distributed approximately 6350 tags nationwide and plan to increase this distribution tenfold within the year.”   

This initiative resonates with’s mission of establishing a safer and digitally connected Bharat for all animals. Acknowledging the vulnerability of stray dogs, especially during significant events. In total fifteen dogs were tagged at T1 Airport and twenty-five at India Gate. These QR-based ‘Aadhaar cards’ contain vital information such as feeder details and emergency contacts, facilitating authorities in reuniting lost dogs with their caregivers.  

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