Popular YouTuber Anisha Dixit, also known as Rickshawali, recently took to Instagram to share a concerning encounter she had with an Ola driver, highlighting a potential scam. In a video posted on her Instagram account, Dixit recounted an unsettling experience with a driver she booked a ride with from her home in Bandra.
According to Dixit, as soon as she entered the cab, the driver began crying uncontrollably. He informed her that he had lost his father and been robbed just an hour prior, expressing thoughts of suicide throughout the ride. Despite her efforts to console him, the driver’s behaviour remained erratic, causing Dixit to feel uncomfortable and suspicious.
In the video, Dixit recorded the driver, who repeatedly mentioned his intention to commit suicide and urged her not to complain. Concerned about a potential scam to extort money from passengers, Dixit requested a brief halt to make an urgent call. However, the driver sped away, prompting her to share the video on Instagram to raise awareness about the situation.
“I was not sure if I should post this online, but I thought this might be a new scam going around. It really made me feel uncomfortable, and if this really is a scam to get a big amount of money out of passengers, then it’s very important that I share this and make people aware of this new scam,” Dixit wrote in her post.
Following her post, several individuals shared similar experiences they had encountered. Many influencers and content creators also shared that they had similar experiences.
In a follow-up video, Dixit explained that she received a call from Ola Cabs after her video went viral. The company assured her that the driver was fired. Dixit also revealed that the ‘scam’ had been going on since 2021 by the same driver, and there were multiple complaints against him.