
An Act of Profound Kindness: Michigan Cafe Staff Stunned by $10,000 Tip on $32 Bill



Tipping is a big part of American dining culture, for better or worse, but this latest story takes the cake, and the café with it.

A customer named Mark went above and beyond after his meal was done at Michigan Jar Cafe, leaving the staff in awe with a tip of $10,000 on a bill totalling of only $32.43. For those too lazy to do the mental math, that’s more than 30000% of the bill amount, while tips usually range from 15% to 25%. 

The manager of the restaurant, Tim Sweeney was bewildered, and mentioned that they have received tips ranging around $100, but this amount of gratitude was unseen. The manager even double-checked with the customer to ensure the amount tipped was correct, which it surprisingly was. Later, the customer disclosed that this was in memory of his friend, who recently passed away and used to live in the same city. 

Staff members were deeply touched by this act of kindness. The tip received was then divided between the 9 staff members present that day, with everyone getting $1,100. Ultimately, the staffers also shared this tale on their Instagram handle about this profound act of kindness and even posted snapshots of the bill with a heartfelt caption.

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