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TARAgram Yatra Begins with the Aim to Sensitise Citizens on Pressing Grassroots Climate-related Issues



Yatris from across India will leave for three destinations to participate in TARAgram Yatra 2022 – an initiative by Development Alternatives Group, a New Delhi-based organisation working towards sustainable development. This will be a journey of self-learning for these 40 more participants. The Yatra will be taking place in Agra, Mirzapur, Bundelkhand, and Delhi from 22nd to 24th November 2022.

TARAgram Yatra 2022

A global think-tank and leading social enterprise, Development Alternatives seeks to design and deliver sustainable solutions so that the marginalised can lead better lives and be assured of dignity of labour. One of the ways in which DA does this is by connecting actors across the micro-entrepreneurial ecosystem and initiating constructive dialogues around concerns that matter. TARAgram Yatra ties in with DA’s overall vision of co-creating green and inclusive economies.

In Agra, Uttar Pradesh, the focus will be on ‘Enabling Circular Economy for Plastics in India: A Pathway to Resource Efficiency‘. Here, the Yatris will be looking at the management of plastic waste, and understanding the investment, innovation, and infrastructure required for the same. Among the activities planned are visits to a material recovery facility, a landfill site and a smart city office, alongside which the Yatris will also be observing a door-to-door waste collection drive by the Agra Municipality.

In Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh, the Yatris will be focusing on ‘Pathways to Inclusive Entrepreneurship: Scaling Entrepreneurship-led Job Creation‘. They will learn about – among other topics – the social innovation approach that can boost inclusive entrepreneurship, the importance of co-creating solutions for entrepreneurs, prototypes to build entrepreneurial ecosystems, and the entrepreneurial needs of the youth and women.

And, in Bundelkhand, the focus will be on ‘Climate Change Resilience and Building Sustainable Communities in Bundelkhand: Power of Information and Knowledge’. The Yatris here will get the opportunity to explore inclusive, participatory and scalable models, and on-ground solutions, to disseminate information and develop knowledge for creating climate-resilient, green, and inclusive economies.

The plenary of the Yatra ‘Saar Sangam – Seeking Policy Solutions through Practice’ will be held at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi on 24 November 2022. The Yatris will come together after a highly immersive experience. They would share their learning from the three geographies, which would form a launching pad for the discussion in the plenary.

On 24th evening DA will be showcasing its flagship entrepreneurship program #JobsweMake at the Spanish embassy which will be attended by leaders from corporates/industry/institutions/media and in well known personalities in the climate space.

Sharing his thoughts on the TARAgram Yatra, Dr Ashok Khosla, Chairman, Development Alternatives Group, said, “The pandemic made us all think more deeply about not just our health but also the well-being of the planet, and made us realise that there might not be a future if we don’t start giving back to nature. That was the start of the self-learning process at DA, the seed that has grown into TARAgram Yatra. Through growing awareness amongst Indians, we hope to step back from the brink and help our communities build back better.”

Mr Shrashtant Patara, CEO, Development Alternatives Group, said, “How we address the menace of plastic waste, how we tackle the increasing threats from climate change, and how we promote entrepreneurship that is inclusive and impactful – these are the urgent questions of the times we live in. And it’s only through empathy, through getting out of our comfort zones and experiencing life lived by those less fortunate than us, that we will be able to bravely face the challenges of today and build a better future for our children.”

The TARAgram Yatra programme has been organised by Development Alternatives and is being supported by the Green Economy Coalition, the European Union, and Work4Progress of “la Caxia” Foundation.

TARAgram Yatra 2022

Under an umbrella theme of ‘Co-creating Inclusive and Green Economies’, TARAgram Yatra 2022 will be focusing on resource efficiency and circular economies; livelihood security and inclusive entrepreneurship; and climate resilience and ecosystem restoration. The Yatra, comprising a mix of dialogue and field visits to Agra (Uttar Pradesh), Mirzapur (Uttar Pradesh), Orchha (Bundelkhand), and Delhi, will be organised from 22 November, 2022 to 24 November, 2022. It will have a mix of Yatris from academia, business, civil society, and government, and will engage in deep discussions about social and institutional change experiments at the grassroots, providing a learning-sharing knowledge.

About Development Alternatives Group

Development Alternatives (DA) is a premier social enterprise with a global presence in the fields of green economic development, social empowerment, and environmental management. It is credited with numerous innovations in clean technology and delivery systems that help create sustainable livelihoods in the developing world. DA focuses on empowering communities through strengthening people’s institutions and facilitating their access to basic needs; enabling economic opportunities through skill development for green jobs and enterprise creation; and promoting low carbon pathways for development through natural resource management models and clean technology solutions.

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