Brand Speak

Success mantras to live



By Atin Brijendra Agarwal

A seed today is a forest tomorrow. At Automech we walk that extra mile, to ensure that every possibility progresses into its optimal capacity.

Our core values include:

  • Provide a nurturing and fostering environment
  • Achieve win-win relationships
  • Respect fellow employees
  • Give total commitment
  • Be willing and acceptable to change for better
  • Strive to exceed expectations

We are considered as a valued source by our partners with the spirit of long term relationships. We lead by quality, consistency, and reliability, and our adaptability makes us progressive, versatile, allowing us to create bespoke solutions for customers. We walk that extra mile for our customers with the help of our best-in-class infrastructure backed by technological enhancements and dedicated employees.

I strongly believe that to achieve success, we should inculcate a culture of trust and transparency across the organisation. The right people need to be identified and entrusted with responsibilities. Strong HR policies and a promising growth pattern help instil commitment to the company and thereby increase productivity.

Employee safety is of utmost priority to us. All our employees are assets to us. We invest a lot in them, not just monetarily but also by regular training, both on processes, and safety. We follow the best safety measures and ensure that their work environment is safe and friendly. Regular feedbacks are taken from all employees, and our strong management team ensures that feedback is heard and respected.

The company has been consistently winning many accolades. But the most prestigious and honourable achievement received during the year is the ‘Great Place to Work’ certification for 2022-23. It reinforces the belief that Automech has walked that extra mile in providing a secure, comfortable, and fair workplace for its employees, where they are inspired and stimulated to come every day. It truly displays passion, fervour, and sense of pride of its employees towards Automech.

As described by my parents, “Our greatest joy, which was to become our honour, was our son’s relationship with his employees. It was shaped by the responsibility he felt towards them. He always has a sympathetic ear and a broad understanding of their troubles and concerns. His positive and emotional approach culminated in the company’s success and the employees’ sense of well-being.

I believe there is value in everything, and it is up to us how we identify these values and utilise our resources to ensure optimisation, and minimise wastage. By constant monitoring and putting adequate checks in place, we try to ensure minimum wastage of material, time, and effort.

There should be a place for everything, and everything should be in its place. A disciplined, organised way of doing things, systematic approach towards work flow, repeating what works, and many such things that are basic yet effective and are followed and appreciated throughout the organisation.

There is beauty in simplicity, and anything natural would have its organic growth. Our success thus far has been natural, as we have stuck by our values and did what had to be done in a way it should have been.

The author is MD of Automech (India) Pvt. Ltd.

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