In a recent incident, a resident of Vasanthnagar in Bengaluru, identified as Shivani, found herself entangled in a scam after attempting to purchase eggs online. The unfortunate trauma began when Shivani stumbled upon an enticing offer advertising four dozen (48) eggs for a mere ₹49.
According to reports, the advertisement, purportedly from a reputable company, lured Shivani with the promise of quality eggs at an unbelievably low price. Intrigued by the offer, she clicked on the provided link, leading her to a webpage detailing the company’s egg nurturing practices and delivery procedures.
The advertisement boasted of selling eight dozen eggs for ₹99, with no additional delivery charges. Tempted by the seemingly incredible deal, Shivani opted to purchase four dozen eggs for ₹49. However, as she proceeded to finalize her order, the situation took a dark turn.
Upon entering her card details, including the expiry date and CVV number, Shivani was startled to discover that a staggering ₹48,199 had been debited from her credit card account. Shockingly, this deduction occurred before she even entered the OTP (One Time Password) received on her registered mobile number.
The transaction raised suspicion when the amount was transferred to an account named ‘Shine Mobile HU’. Shivani’s mess caught the attention of her bank, prompting them to intervene before further losses were incurred.
Recognizing the scam for what it was, Shivani promptly informed her bank, leading to the immediate blocking of her account. She then reached out to the cybercrime helpline (1930) for guidance, who advised her to file a formal complaint at the nearest police station.
This unfortunate incident serves as an obvious reminder of the generality of online scams and the importance of vigilance when making digital transactions. As authorities continue to investigate such fraudulent activities, individuals are urged to exercise caution and verify the legitimacy of offers before providing sensitive information online.